~ 'A Love of Learning for Life and for All' ~


The people directly involved in the day to day running of the school are: -

Head Teacher

Mrs C Mackinder

Deputy Head Teacher

Mrs S Wendon


Mrs E Fullelove - Foundation

Miss J Grimwood   -  Years One & Two

 Mrs L Gent & Mrs J Fearnley - Years Three & Four 

Mrs S Wendon - Years Five & Six 

Teaching Assistants

Mrs M Cairns - Communications Champion 

Miss A Davis - Senior TA & Assistant SENCo

Miss K Davis

Miss L Spencer 

Office Manager

Mrs L Kinsella


Mr P Bateman 

Midday Supervisors

Mrs M Spencer  - Senior supervisor                      

Miss L Spencer

Miss K Davis                    


Mrs E Harris - Cook


Mrs C Mackinder

Miss A Davis - SENCo Assistant/ELSA

Mrs M Cairns - Communication Champion   

Main First Aiders

Mrs L Kinsella 

Miss A Davis

Mrs M Cairns


Mrs C Mackinder 

Mrs S Wendon

Mrs L Kinsella