~ 'A Love of Learning for Life and for All' ~

"Love one another.  As I have loved you,  so you must love one another"  John 13:34

 Class Teacher  Mrs E Fullelove

Teaching Assistant Miss K Davis and Mrs M Cairns 

Foundation One (Nursery)

Foundation Two (reception

Admission policy F1

Admission policy F2

Children can join our Foundation Unit from the term after they are three years old as Foundation One (nursery) by contacting the school office directly -  office@ranby.notts.sch.uk 

To join us as full time pupils into Foundation Two (reception) you must apply for a place via Nottinghamshire County Council schools admissions department who allocate school placements


Our foundation unit is split into different areas, where pupils can be independent, learn through exploring and develop relationships in a safe and secure environment


Indoor provision 

Small world, Role play, Dress up, Construction, Mark making, Malleable, Model making, Painting, Water, Sand, Investigation, Puppets, Reading, & Number

Outdoor provision

 A covered area for pupils to enjoy, but we also provide full waterproofs during those wetter/colder days so learning isn't stopped by our variable weather!

Outside pupils can investigate water on a larger scale using drain pipes, watering cans, tubes and other exciting objects, Large digging sand pit, Mud kitchen, Den building, Construction on a large scale using crates, planks and other wonderful things, Bikes, Scooters, Balls & much more... 

   Enhancements are added regularly to different areas to develop skills and pupil interests. 

Staff interact with pupils within each area to develop learning, understanding of the world and share experiences. 

Direct teaching in small groups or 1-1 is delivered on a daily basis.  

Parents are actively encouraged to visit and experience our unit in action.  

~ 'A Love of Learning for Life and for All' ~

"Love one another.  As I have loved you,  so you must love one another"  John 13:34

 Class Teacher  Mrs E Fullelove

Teaching Assistant Miss K Davis and Mrs M Cairns 

Foundation One (Nursery)

Foundation Two (reception

Admission policy F1

Admission policy F2

Children can join our Foundation Unit from the term after they are three years old as Foundation One (nursery) by contacting the school office directly -  office@ranby.notts.sch.uk 

To join us as full time pupils into Foundation Two (reception) you must apply for a place via Nottinghamshire County Council schools admissions department who allocate school placements


Our foundation unit is split into different areas, where pupils can be independent, learn through exploring and develop relationships in a safe and secure environment


Indoor provision 

Small world, Role play, Dress up, Construction, Mark making, Malleable, Model making, Painting, Water, Sand, Investigation, Puppets, Reading, & Number

Outdoor provision

 A covered area for pupils to enjoy, but we also provide full waterproofs during those wetter/colder days so learning isn't stopped by our variable weather!

Outside pupils can investigate water on a larger scale using drain pipes, watering cans, tubes and other exciting objects, Large digging sand pit, Mud kitchen, Den building, Construction on a large scale using crates, planks and other wonderful things, Bikes, Scooters, Balls & much more... 

   Enhancements are added regularly to different areas to develop skills and pupil interests. 

Staff interact with pupils within each area to develop learning, understanding of the world and share experiences. 

Direct teaching in small groups or 1-1 is delivered on a daily basis.  

Parents are actively encouraged to visit and experience our unit in action.