Class Two - Year Three & Year Four

~ 'A Love of Learning for Life and for All' ~

"Love one another.  As I have loved you,  so you must love one another"  John 13:34

Class Teacher Mrs L Gent 

Senior TA Miss A Davis 

Teaching Assistant Miss L Spencer  and Mrs M Cairns 


 Break time 10.15am 

Lunch time 12.15pm - 1.00pm

Our KS2 children aren't timetabled for an afternoon break

Staff have can use their discretion if they feel it is in the children's best interests to allow a short break to boost well-being


 Swimming starts for all children in Class Two 

from September for 18 weeks

Please ensure your child has the correct swimming kit 

Full piece swimsuit  

Swimming trunks no longer than mid thigh with no pockets

 Goggles only permitted if parental form is completed prior to swimming

If your child requires an inhaler they must take it to poolside  

Shoulder length hair tied back or secured in a swimming cap

No jewellery permitted 

Goggles Form (002).doc             Parents information for school swimming             Inhaler